Leads Generator, Appointment Booker, and Alberta Business Contact Lists
Call: 403-991-8863

Cold Calling and Virtual Assistant Services

Canada B2B Cold Calling Services

We no longer provide cold calling lead generation services. Due to increased effectiveness of digital marketing techniques, we are now a 100% digital marketing based inbound marketing service provider.

  • Your sales team is one of your best assets
    • Unfortunately they HATE cold calling. It’s like they are allergic to it.
    • Even if they spent 4 hours a day doing it, your sales team is worth way more to you meeting prospects and closing deals.
  • Imagine feeding you best sales person 10 extra hot sales leads a week.
    • His or her sales funnel would be massive at the midway point of the sales cycle
  • You could hire your own sales assistant but consider:
    • Payroll and Employee Benefits
    • Facilities and Office Space (if you have extra space, could it be put to better use?)
    • Equipment (Computer, phone, desk, chair, office supplies)
    • Technology (Keeping up to date and integrating multiple platforms might create more head aches and let’s face it, the point of it all is to optimize selling, not focus on the the cold calling).
    • HR Costs
      • Costs due to a person leaving
      • Recruitment costs
      • Training costs
      • Lost productivity costs
      • New hire costs
      • Lost sales costs
    • Operating Fees
      • Telephone, electricity, heating, snacks, janitorial services
    • Time
      • If you haven’t set up a cold calling department or even a single employee to do this task, get ready for a real time drain. If you have, then you know the value of working with a company who knows how to get it doe right the first time.
    • Customer Satisfaction
      • Our business relies on your customers’ satisfaction. An employee just hops to another job.

Hire a Virtual Assistant

  • Need a custom database built?
  • Want someone to search internet directories capturing data for specific businesses?
  • How about going through the last 50 years of Canadian media articles from hundreds of magazines and newspapers to find specific news stories?

Virtual Assistant

Though our focus is on the Calgary market, our Virtual Assistant Services is available for businesses anywhere from Calgary to Vancouver, Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal and all other Canadian towns and cities. We specialize in Low Cost Virtual Assistant Services for Internet Marketing Research and Database Building.